Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It's Christmas in July!

Well, it's Christmas in July and I requested special permission from the Jolly Guy to return to my family in Ohio for a check up on the boys.  And he agreed!  So, off I went for a night to see my favorite boys... C & T!  My how they have grown just since Christmas last year!  C's room looks very different.  But I like his new bed!

I thought I would put up some decorations to really make it feel like Christmas, but I couldn't find the tree and wreaths and garland and ornaments.  So, I rummaged around the house and finally found something I could use!  Birthday streamers!!  I remembered seeing streamers last year when I visited for Christmas and thank goodness Holiday Mom didn't get rid of them!  I used the help of my pal Rudy (he stays with the family all year long) and we really made it look nice.  We made a Christmas tree with decorations and hung garland from the stair railing.  We decorated the mirror in the dining room and we even found some Christmas lights and decorated the bathroom mirror.  I left a special message on the bathroom mirror so my Holiday family would know I had stopped by.  I sure do miss them a lot during the year. 

I'm going to go enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with Rudy.  He's making me a cup right now with lots of marshmallows.  Yum!!  Then I'll head back to the Pole to give my report to the Jolly Guy.  Be good C & T ... I'll see you again in December!